Monday, July 11, 2016

How to Schedule Your Posts in WordPress

In this article, we will show you how to schedule your posts in WordPress.

There is a certain time in a day when each site gets the peak of their users. Now if you live in a different time zone than your readers, then it can be a problem. Imagine having your peak time as 3 a.m. Scheduling posts can be very handy for this.

Monday, May 30, 2016

How to Schedule post in WordPress

WordPress has a really cool hidden feature that allows you to schedule your post. This is a very useful feature that many beginners don’t know about. In this article, we will show you how to schedule your posts in WordPress.

Why Schedule Posts in WordPress? There is a certain time in a day when each site gets the peak of their users. Now if you live in a different time zone than your readers, then it can be a problem. Imagine having your peak time as 3 a.m. Scheduling posts can be very handy for this. The other situation is if you are going for a vacation, but you don’t want to abandon your blog. How do you fix that problems? Simple, You schedule your posts in WordPress.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Is Responsive Web Design Really The Future?

Web developers and online businesses are constantly looking for ways to improve, enhance and perfect their online presence.
In the last few years, many internet trends signalled to be the “next big thing” have come and gone. So with responsive web design currently making the biggest waves in the web development world, how can we know if it’s really here to stay?

Best Web Design and Web Development Articles Roundup

Are you a web designer or developer? Are you eager to learn and adapt the new trends and technologies in website designing and development? Then, this post is absolutely for you. In this industry new technologies or methods are introducing all day which means you have to brush up your skills all day. There are thousands of blog articles are publishing every day about new web designing technologies and trends. In this post we are listing 10 excellent articles roundup every week.

Ultimate Collection of Adobe Photoshop Plugins

Adobe Photoshop is the most powerful and highly intelligent photo editor available now. They make a complicated task much easier & help creating amazing effects, designing faster & better. Plugins are widely used by armature photographers to enhance their shot.

Listed below is the ultimate collection of Photoshop plug-ins that will make your work easier, faster and better. To download, view installation instructions or further details about any plugin, kindly visit the source page.

Photo Manipulation Photoshop Tutorials For Designers

Dazzling-Dance-Photo-Manipulation Creating photo manipulations using Photoshop isn’t an eazy thing  to do. It need lots of patience and creativity to turn a simple photo into an amazing visual art. In this post today, I made a list of Photoshop Tutorials for you to learn  photo manipulation. These tutorials are enough  to learn photo manipulation effects from simple to advanced makeovers.

The Beautiful Designs Collection Of Photoshop Custom Shapes

Assorted Logos
Photoshop custom shapes are useful, if you can’t create the shape yourself, don’t have the right brush or just need that element in high resolution and really sharp.Custom shapes are easy to use and edit. If you’re familiar with pen tool, you can easily create your own shapes. Shapes differentiate from brushes because they are actually created from vectors which will let you get them in really high quality and clean in all cases!