Monday, July 11, 2016

How to Schedule Your Posts in WordPress

In this article, we will show you how to schedule your posts in WordPress.

There is a certain time in a day when each site gets the peak of their users. Now if you live in a different time zone than your readers, then it can be a problem. Imagine having your peak time as 3 a.m. Scheduling posts can be very handy for this.

Monday, May 30, 2016

How to Schedule post in WordPress

WordPress has a really cool hidden feature that allows you to schedule your post. This is a very useful feature that many beginners don’t know about. In this article, we will show you how to schedule your posts in WordPress.

Why Schedule Posts in WordPress? There is a certain time in a day when each site gets the peak of their users. Now if you live in a different time zone than your readers, then it can be a problem. Imagine having your peak time as 3 a.m. Scheduling posts can be very handy for this. The other situation is if you are going for a vacation, but you don’t want to abandon your blog. How do you fix that problems? Simple, You schedule your posts in WordPress.