Monday, May 30, 2016

How to Schedule post in WordPress

WordPress has a really cool hidden feature that allows you to schedule your post. This is a very useful feature that many beginners don’t know about. In this article, we will show you how to schedule your posts in WordPress.

Why Schedule Posts in WordPress? There is a certain time in a day when each site gets the peak of their users. Now if you live in a different time zone than your readers, then it can be a problem. Imagine having your peak time as 3 a.m. Scheduling posts can be very handy for this. The other situation is if you are going for a vacation, but you don’t want to abandon your blog. How do you fix that problems? Simple, You schedule your posts in WordPress.

This function allows you to stay ahead of yourself by finishing up articles in advance and have them ready. You can prepare for a busy week ahead of time and schedule articles to be published automatically. How Do You Schedule a Post in WordPress?

 If you don’t want to watch the video, then continue reading. Once you are done writing the post, before hitting publish you need to look at the option right above the publish button which reads “Publish immediately”.

Follow the steps above and you can now schedule posts in WordPress. Consistent timing is what some users prefer. So if you write a blog post at 7:30 a.m, so users can read it with their coffee in the morning, then continue to do so because it will keep that user loyal to your website. If you decide to change times around, they might have to find another coffee read blog. Also sometimes users are eager to read your new post, so it gives them a time to expect new post.


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